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What is PicAI?

Create AI-generated personal avatars and portraits with PicAI Image&Avatar Generator. Explore diverse styles and features, now available for iOS.


  • Quick AI Portraits: Generate detailed AI portraits in about 20 seconds, bringing the power of advanced AI technology to your fingertips.
  • Fully Personalized Scenes: Customize your AI-generated scenes by providing specific details to create truly unique and personalized images.
  • Multiple Preset Styles: Choose from eight preset image styles, including oil paintings and comics, to add diverse creativity to your avatars.
  • VIP Membership Benefits: Enjoy additional features and benefits, with easy subscription management through your iTunes account.

Use Cases:

  • Creative Expression: Artists can use AI Portrait to visualize and create stunning depictions of their imagination in various artistic styles.
  • Professional ID Creation: Quickly generate professional ID photos or headshots for business profiles, social media, or official documents.
  • Entertainment and Fun: Experiment with different avatars for social media, gaming, or just for fun to represent diverse aspects of your personality.

PicAI leverages the potential of AI to transform the way we create and visualize images. Its intuitive interface, combined with the versatility of scene customization and style variety, makes it an essential app for both casual users and professionals looking to enhance their digital presence.