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What is Corpora?

Unleash the potential of GPT-4 for seamless data handling and content creation with Instantly upload, chat, and generate insights from your documents. Tailor your AI experience with custom Tasks, Styles, and Collections. Experience cutting-edge data retrieval and creation with


  • Direct GPT-4 Integration: Access the full power of GPT-4 directly from the dashboard to generate content and get insights from your data.
  • Efficient Document Management: Create separate collections for each class or project, enabling easy tracking and organization of questions and notes.
  • Advanced Data Extraction: Leverage our tools to extract valuable information from various unstructured data like reports, agreements, and invoices.
  • Customizable Chat Bots: Train a Chat Bot on your collections, generate a shareable link, and embed the conversational AI on your landing page for an interactive experience.
  • Intelligent Conversational AI: Our conversational AI remembers previous chats, providing a smooth, personalized interaction like talking to a friend.
  • Document Insights & Citations: Quickly grab document highlights with our Insights button and receive accurate citations with our Side-by-side view feature.

Use Cases:

  • Academic Learning & Problem-Solving: Upload course materials to use as a study tutor for school or professional exam preparations.
  • Streamlined Legal Work: Retrieve data from contracts with OCR and navigate laws, regulations, and tax documents efficiently.
  • Data Workflow Optimization: Define Tasks or Prompts for repetitive tasks to streamline processes like data extraction and content generation.
  • Enhanced Team Collaboration: Organize documents in Collections shared with colleagues, so they can perform tasks without the need for additional logins or uploads. revolutionizes the way individuals and teams manage, interact with, and generate data. By combining advanced AI technology with an interactive and customizable platform, provides unparalleled efficiency and productivity gains across various use cases. Its features cater to a wide range of professionals looking to optimize their data workflow and content creation.