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What is AskDocs?

Accelerate your research and enhance productivity with AskDocs AI - the tool that instantly retrieves accurate, relevant answers from a multitude of document formats and even YouTube videos.


  • Multiformat Document Handling: Effortlessly processes and answers queries from PDFs, DOCXs, TXTs, CSVs, EPUBs, and YouTube links for a seamless research experience.
  • Group Document Questioning: Allows collective interrogation of multiple documents at once, making comparative analysis and comprehensive understanding effortless.
  • Rapid Document Summarization: Quickly condenses vast amounts of text into concise summaries to save you hours of reading time.
  • Multilingual Support: Cater to a global audience by working with documents in various languages, breaking down language barriers.
  • Advanced AI Technology: Powered by GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, it provides sophisticated chat interaction, ensuring high-quality, reliable outputs.

Use Cases:

  • Efficient Academic Research: Students and researchers can dive into multiple documents, quickly extracting key information and citations without exhaustive reading.
  • Business Intelligence: Professionals can use AskDocs to rapidly analyze reports and data sets, gaining insights to drive strategic decisions.
  • Personal Knowledge Management: Individuals looking to organize and retrieve knowledge from personal libraries will find AskDocs indispensable.

AskDocs represents a revolution in handling and interacting with information. By fusing AI with user-friendly functionality, it delivers a powerful tool that accelerates research, deepens insights, and maximizes productivity for both individuals and professionals.