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What is Asktro?

Asktro transforms your static documentation with an intuitive natural language search and an AI assistant, powered by advanced text similarity search and large language models. Supported frameworks include Docusaurus, Nextra, and more.


  • Dynamic Search UI and Plugin Integration: Asktro offers a ready-to-go search UI that can be integrated into your documentation site, with a plugin to ingest and index your data efficiently.
  • Advanced Documentation Search: Asktro's smart indexing profiles sections of your documentation, enabling similarity search over the embedded text for more comprehensive topic retrieval.
  • Ask AI Assistant: Asktro comes with a powerful AI assistant that can synthesize search results to provide answers based on the specific question and relevant documentation.

Use Cases:

  • User-friendly Documentation Navigation: Users can exploit Asktro's AI-enabled search to explore and navigate documentation in a simpler, more intuitive way.
  • Quick, Detailed Query Responses: Users can ask specific questions and receive immediate synthesized responses, based on the indexed details from Asktro system.

Asktro, with its multiple supported frameworks, user-friendly UI, and smart AI functionality, is the perfect solution for reinventing your static documentation, bringing sophistication and ease into search and dissemination of information.