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What is Autool?

Experience a revolutionary desktop plugin system, AuTool, that seamlessly integrates AI into your workflow. Build efficient workflows and automate tasks using AI assistants, while enjoying easy integration with desktop and web apps.


  • AI Plugins: AuTool offers advanced AI plugins like ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion for tasks such as image segmentation, text generation, and more.
  • Easy Integration: AuTool is designed for easy integration, allowing you to connect desktop and web applications to form a cohesive and efficient workflow.
  • Plugin System: Improve work efficiency with our seamless plugin system that connects with cloud services effortlessly.
  • Easy GUI: Build a GUI workflow assistant using simple JSON code lines, offering easy to use interface.

Use Cases:

  • AI Assistant: Offering one-click image segmentation and text generation tools, AuTool serves as an efficient AI assistant.
  • Workflow Automation: Automate your workflows by connecting desktop and web applications, aided with AI for optimal results.

AuTool brings the power of AI to your desktop, enabling efficient work automation. It presents an easy way to integrate AI technology into your workflow, making project completion faster and easier.