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What is Spheroid?

Spheroid Universe brings to you a unique platform to create, customize and place your AI Avatar in augmented reality anywhere around the world. Interact with your avatar with voice chat.


  • AI Avatar Creation: Create and customize digital characters that see, speak, converse, and understand natural language. Use for various purposes including customer service, entertainment, and education.
  • Avatars in Augmented Reality: Augment your reality by placing your AI Avatars anywhere in the world interact with them using mobile devices. Customize their appearance, voice, personality, as per your needs and preferences.
  • Benefits of AI Avatars in AR: Increase brand awareness by creating unique experiences, improve learning outcomes with interactive education, boost creativity and expression, and explore entertaining scenarios and possibilities with your AI Avatars.
  • Spheroid Warp: Create AI Avatars, advertise your business, showcase your art, entertain your friends and more using Spheroid Warp tool. No technical knowledge needed to use it.

Use Cases:

  • Business Use Case: Build your own AI Avatar in augmented reality to charm your customers. Your avatar will work 24/7 enhancing your customer service and satisfaction.
  • Education Use Case: Use AI Avatar to entice students into learning more, thereby improving learning outcomes and retention.
  • Advertising Use Case: Place your AI Avatar as a virtual spokesperson to showcase your products or services in a fun and engaging way, thereby boosting sales and growing your brand.
  • Personal Use Case: Have fun and pranks by picking your avatar’s personality, behavior and mood. Make them giggle, gasp, groan or scream. It offers fun and entertainment by exploring various scenarios.

With Spheroid Universe, you can create AI Avatars in augmented reality and position them anywhere across the globe. Create unique, personalized, and interactive experiences for business, education, advertising, or just for fun.