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What is Carbonate?

Carbonate is an automated, AI-driven testing tool that empowers developers and organisations to write end-to-end tests in plain English. It auto-generates test scripts, adjusts to UI changes, and intelligently analyses HTML changes. Integrates with PHP, Node and Python SDKs.


  • Write Tests in Plain English: Use simple language to write automated browser tests directly in your preferred testing tool. Carbonate then turns these into fixed test scripts.
  • Auto-adjustment to UI changes: When your HTML changes, Carbonate auto-generates new test script, eliminating brittle tests. It can distinguish changes in UI from simple rendering differences.
  • Performance and Flexibility: With Carbonate, performance analysis is done only once and subsequent test runs use a locally cached script. The test scripts can be run the way you desire, providing added flexibility.
  • Integration and Robustness: Carbonate provides SDKs for PHP, Node and Python. The tool intelligently analyses your HTML, ensuring reliable, robust testing.

Use Cases:

  • Ensuring Test Reliability: Test scripts generated can be committed to your repository alongside your code. With any significant change in HTML structure, simply delete the old scripts, and new ones will be auto-generated.
  • Easy Integration in Existing Setup: Whether it's a cached run or an extraction, Carbonate's SDK can be integrated directly into your test suite. It can efficiently determine when a dynamically rendered page has finished loading.
  • Empowering Testing Teams: Carbonate enables manual testers to automate their workflows, test more features and catch more bugs, thereby enhancing their productivity.
  • Fast and Reliable Development: With carbonate, developers can ensure their changes don't break existing functionalities, thus enabling faster and more reliable development.

Carbonate combines the power of AI with simplicity, enabling you to write end-to-end tests using plain English. Flexible, robust and integrating seamlessly into existing software ecosystems, it is a pioneering solution for today's dynamic development environments.