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What is ChatCube?

ChatCube lets you create a custom AI Chatbot for your business in seconds – no coding or credit card required. Train on any document, in any language, and seamlessly integrate with your website.


  • No Code AI Chatbot Builder: Use ChatCube's intuitive visual editor to customize your chatbot's functionality, design, and conversation flow without any coding expertise.
  • Lightning Fast Integration: Embed your AI-powered chatbot on your website quickly for instant customer support and engagement.
  • Custom Training on Documents: ChatCube can be trained on various documents like PDFs, blogs, and web content, enabling precise and context-aware responses.
  • Multilingual Support: Train ChatGPT on content in any language, supporting a more diverse user base.
  • Data Encryption & Security: Robust encryption and strict security protocols protect your data against unauthorized access.
  • Customizable Chatbot Persona: Align your chatbot's personality and appearance to your brand identity for a consistent and personalized user experience.
  • Latest AI Technology: ChatCube leverages the most advanced AI technology to provide users with dynamic conversational experiences.

Use Cases:

  • Automated Customer Service: ChatCube reduces support tickets by up to 28%, providing quick and accurate answers to user queries on your website.
  • Content Accessibility: Make your website content more interactive and easily accessible through conversational AI.
  • Education and Research: Aid students and researchers by quickly answering questions from a vast array of documents and research papers.
  • Legal Document Navigation: Simplify the comprehension of complex legal documents with an AI chatbot trained to assist users.
  • International Customer Support: Support customers globally with a Chatbot trained in various languages, catering to a diverse user base.

ChatCube revolutionizes the way businesses engage with their customers by offering a customizable, secure, and multilingual AI chatbot that's easy to integrate and requires no coding skills. Transform your customer service with the power of AI and watch your efficiency soar.