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What is Chatfuel?

Chatfuel: Your go-to WhatsApp API partner. Integrate impactful ChatGPT capabilities to supercharge sales, customer support, and marketing on a unified platform.


  • Seamless ChatGPT Integration: Enhance your WhatsApp engagement with ChatGPT for personalized customer interaction, boosting sales and improving service.
  • Accelerated Customer Service: Offer prompt responses and improve satisfaction with multiple agents handling inquiries on a single WhatsApp business number.
  • Green Badge Verification: Achieve trusted status with an official WhatsApp green badge verification through Chatfuel.
  • Abandoned Cart Recovery: Send targeted messages to recover lost sales and encourage cart completion with automatic notifications.
  • Advanced Segmentation & Analysis: Leverage user behavior and preferences for personalized messaging, backed by comprehensive data analytics.
  • A/B Testing for Optimal Engagement: Refine your messaging with data-driven A/B testing to find the most effective customer communication strategies.

Use Cases:

  • E-commerce Sales: Use AI-driven chat to sell products directly on WhatsApp, making shopping convenient for customers.
  • Customer Support: Resolve issues quickly with an AI chatbot, reducing customer wait times and increasing satisfaction.
  • Upsell & Cross-sell: Leverage customer purchase history to recommend products and offers in a personalized manner.
  • Feedback Collection: Gather insights through surveys and customer interactions to enhance product offerings and services.
  • Marketing Campaigns: Activate drip campaigns to engage customers based on specific behaviors for higher conversion rates.

Chatfuel offers an impressive suite of features that integrate the power of WhatsApp, ChatGPT, and AI to redefine e-commerce experience. For businesses seeking to elevate their customer engagement and sales, Chatfuel provides a robust and GDPR-compliant toolset designed to maximize potential and deliver results.