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What is Squish?

Unriddle is a Chrome extension that uses artificial intelligence to summarize any article in just five seconds, helping users save time, increase productivity, and enhance their learning experience.


  • Quick Summarization: Summarize any lengthy article, blog post, or research paper in seconds and get the most pertinent information.
  • Enhanced Learning: Make your learning more engaging and understandable with a clear summary.
  • Increased Speed: Updates have made response generation eight times faster.
  • Privacy Preserved: Your personal data is not being sold to third parties or used for unrelated purposes.

Use Cases:

  • Efficient Reading: Avoid lengthy reads and get a quick, comprehensible summary.
  • Learning Aid: Unravel complex topics for better understanding.
  • Save Time: Instead of reading through the whole text, get the gist in seconds.
  • Easy Web Browsing: Visit any webpage and understand the content instantly with one click.

Unriddle is an innovative tool transforming the browsing experience on Chrome. With its AI technology, it streamlines the reading process, making learning more comfortable, saving time, and respecting your privacy.