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What is Clevis?

Unlock the potential of AI with Clevis, the no-code platform for building, running, and selling AI-powered apps. From idea to launch in minutes, explore endless possibilities with text and image generation, web scraping, and more.


  • Intuitive Editor: Combine pre-built steps to create apps with functionalities like text and image generation, API requests, and automation.
  • Ready-to-Use Templates: Kick-start your app development using Clevis templates designed for a variety of use cases.
  • Seamless Sharing & Selling: Easily share your app with a public link or monetize it using usage-based pricing.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Automate your tasks by running apps on custom schedules to maximize efficiency.
  • Customizable Design: Personalize app appearance to align with your branding for cohesive user experience.
  • Embedding & Domain Options: Integrate your app into existing websites or publish it on a custom domain for professional presence (coming soon).

Use Cases:

  • Dynamic Recipe Creation: Generate custom recipes tailored to dietary preferences, enhancing culinary experiences.
  • Character Generation: Produce unique characters with backstories for storytelling and novel writing.
  • Smart Clothing Recommendations: Get clothing suggestions based on real-time weather conditions for planning your outfit.
  • Automated Blog Content: Create and publish targeted blog posts, complete with headers, based on specified topics.
  • Personalized Product Recommendations: Boost e-commerce conversion rates by offering customers tailored product suggestions.

Clevis stands as an innovative no-code gateway to the AI revolution, granting individuals and businesses the power to create intelligent apps swiftly without technical barriers. Embrace the future of app development and enhance your offerings today.