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What is Cresta?

Unlock the full potential of your sales team with Cresta's AI-driven solutions. Enhance efficiency, drive automation, and gain real-time business insights to optimize every customer interaction.


  • Bespoke Playbooks: Cresta AI creates tailored playbooks to boost the sales process and balance team performance.
  • Real-Time Contact Center Intelligence: Integrate dynamic insights for immediate actions that enhance contact center results.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Identify emerging business trends for informed and swift decision making.
  • Coaching & Quality Assurance: Measure and coach your team effectively based on comprehensive conversation analytics.
  • Improved Agent Performance: Equip agents with AI-coaching to perform at their best and match top-tier agents.
  • Automation & Chatbots: Automate routine conversations with intelligent bots to streamline processes.
  • Proven Results: Cresta's Real-Time Intelligence Engine is a patented solution that leads to significant performance gains.

Use Cases:

  • Optimizing Contact Centers: Empower agents to improve key metrics like CSAT, reduce AHT, and save hours weekly.
  • Increasing Sales Conversions: Generate faster response times and higher conversion rates through AI insights.
  • Strategic Business Insights: Use real-time data to uncover critical trends and act upon them quickly.
  • Quality Management: Continuously monitor and uplift the quality of customer service interactions.
  • Reducing Ramp Time: Decrease the amount of time required to train new agents, making them productive faster.

Cresta leverages the power of Generative AI to revolutionize sales and customer service operations, delivering measurable improvements and transforming the intelligent contact center landscape.