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What is Defog AI?

Defog provides AI models able to translate natural language into SQL and Python, ensuring smooth integration with complex data workflows. Optimized for all SQL databases, Defog allows you to have full control over your data, integrating with your database and aligning with your business rules.


  • Full Integration with Databases: Compatable with all SQL databases, Defog ensures seamless integration with existing database structures, incorporating your custom metrics and industry codes.
  • Full Control and Monitoring : Defog provides solutions to constrain model outputs, monitor performance and detect model regression, offering a high level of data security and control.
  • Respect for Data Privacy : Unlike other solutions, Defog only uses metadata to fine-tune the LLMs for the system, without ever having access to the actual database. It can be deployed on-premises or via cloud.

Use Cases:

  • Handling Complex Enterprise Workflows: Defog is designed to automate and integrate within complex data workflows, offering streamlined operations and improved efficiency.
  • Training on Custom Metrics: Defog allows for training on custom metrics and industry codes, ensuring the AI models are tailored as per your specific business rules and schema.
  • Continous Improvement and Flexibility: Defog continuously refines and improves based on feedback, providing robust, flexible, and responsive support.

Defog is a powerful answer to enterprise analytics needs. Its Natural Language Processing (NLP) capability integrated with advanced AI models offers a unique solution bridging the divide between user queries and database responses, helping businesses maintain better control over their data.