Delibr AI

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What is Delibr AI?

Introducing Delibr AI, a revolutionary workflow tool with cutting-edge AI technology designed to drive more product value. The tool assists in capturing and structuring feedback, turning it into feature documents, and aligning with stakeholders. The advanced AI feature empowers the writing process and facilitates effective decision-making within your team.


  • Feedback Collection: Delibr AI gathers feedback from customers in a centralized location, offers automation of requests via Zapier integration, and promotes hassle-free user interviews.
  • Insight Extraction: Benefit from AI's power to analyze large bodies of text, extract key data points, and transform feedback into actionable insights.
  • Feedback organization: Effectively organize gathered insights and clarify your strategy to stakeholders using various mapping techniques. Leverage different trees depending upon the type of feedback.
  • Solution Hub: Present your proposed solutions to stakeholders for prioritization and integrate different perspectives for more informed decisions.
  • PRD Writing: Eliminate the hassle of documentation with Delibr AI's automatic document draft generation. Transform complex ideas into comprehensive documentation smoothly.
  • Two-way Jira Integration: Maintain alignment between product documents and Jira tickets for time-saving, synchronised operation, and up-to-date documentation.

Use Cases:

  • Feedback Gathering: Gather both proactive and reactive feedback from customers, ensuring all perspectives are considered in product development.
  • Product Development: Use for analyzing customer insights, refining solutions, ensuring product alignment with strategy, and overseeing the development process.
  • Collaboration: Facilitates collaborative efforts between product managers, teams, and stakeholders, enhancing overall communication and resolution alignment.

With Delibr AI's dynamic templates, decision facilitation, and two-way Jira integration, revolutionize your product development process and PRD writing. Get on board with the smartest way to product management.