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What is Diagram?

Explore the world of generative design and AI-powered tools with Diagram. Automate your Figma tasks, unleash your creativity, and experiment with design with our powerful tools and labs.


  • Generative Creativity: Experience the power of generative design and unlock your creative potential with our advanced tools.
  • Automator: Automate your repetitive Figma tasks with a single click using our intuitive Automator tool.
  • Magician: Enhance your designs with the magic of AI-powered design tools.
  • Genius: Collaborate with your own AI-powered design assistant to boost your productivity.
  • Prototyper: Create powerful prototypes with code inside Figma to bring your designs to life.

Use Cases:

  • Creative Professionals: Unleash your creativity and explore the new frontiers of design with our advanced generative design tools and AI-powered assistants.
  • UI/UX Designers: Automate your Figma tasks, create powerful prototypes with code, and collaborate with your personal AI assistant to streamline your design process.
  • Design Teams: Maximize your team's productivity by utilizing Diagram's advanced generative design tools, automator, and AI-powered assistants for smoother collaboration and faster turnaround times.

Join the revolution in design with Diagram. Experiment with our design labs, explore generative design tools, and integrate the magic of AI into your designs. Your creativity has no limit with Diagram.