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What is EraseID?

EraseID is an AI-powered face anonymizer that offers a variety of tools for marketing professionals, privacy protectors, enterprises, photographers, graphic designers, and educational institutions. Its primary function is to anonymize faces in images while maintaining a high level of authenticity and privacy.

Key features of EraseID include:

  • Face Replacement: Replaces existing faces in images with new, unique faces generated by AI.
  • Identity Generation: Creates distinct facial models with customizable expressions, ethnicity, and age.
  • AI Face Editing: Edits facial features, origin, age, and hairstyles to meet specific requirements.
  • Consistent Identity: Creates customized personas for brands and campaigns.

Benefits of using EraseID:

  • Save Time: Avoids the need to search for stock photos by generating unique faces on demand.
  • Save Money: Eliminates the cost of hiring multiple models for photo shoots.
  • Save Effort: Leverages generative AI to streamline photo editing processes.

EraseID is specifically designed for various user groups:

  • Marketing Professionals: Tailored imagery for global outreach, adaptation of models for targeted campaigns, and retargeting visuals for specific groups.
  • Privacy Protectors: AI-powered image anonymization for privacy protection, GDPR compliance, and transitioning from blurring to AI-based face anonymization.
  • Enterprises: Amplifying image assets by broadening stock photo options, using high-resolution AI for face replacement, and eliminating model release requirements.
  • Photographers: AI-assisted model editing for revamping portraits, diversifying visual collections, and modifying faces to client specifications.
  • Graphic Designers: Fueling creativity with AI-generated faces for quick retouches, access to a library of unique expressions, and expedited design processes.
  • Educational Institutions: Prioritizing student privacy through capturing school life while adhering to GDPR guidelines.

In addition to its core anonymization technology, EraseID is also part of the PiktID platform, offering other AI-powered visual content tools such as:

  • TagID: AI image description generator for easy image tagging.
  • SuperID: AI photo enhancer for precise image upscaling.
  • ProductID: AI-generated backgrounds for enhancing product photography.

EraseID offers a variety of solutions to enhance privacy, streamline workflows, and improve creative potential within a wide range of industries.