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What is Copilot?

GitHub Copilot uses OpenAI Codex to suggest code and entire functions in real-time, right from your editor. It helps developers to code faster and focus on business logic over boilerplate, thus building great software faster.


  • Code suggestions across dozens of languages: Trained on billions of lines of code, GitHub Copilot turns natural language prompts into coding suggestions across dozens of languages.
  • Increased development speed: GitHub Copilot helps developers to write code faster, generate tests automatically, and eliminate repetitive code patterns.
  • Plugs right into your editor: GitHub Copilot integrates with popular code editors and IDEs to provide real-time code suggestions within the development environment.

Use Cases:

  • Developers: GitHub Copilot helps developers to speed up their code-writing process, focus on business logic, and build great software.
  • Businesses: GitHub Copilot can be used by businesses to simplify license and policy management, speed up development, and increase productivity.

GitHub Copilot is a powerful tool for developers and businesses alike, making coding faster and more efficient while allowing developers to focus on what matters most: building great software.