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What is InvokeAI?

Explore InvokeAI's cutting-edge platform for professionals and enthusiasts to generate stunning visual content through Stable Diffusion models, featuring a top-tier WebUI and CLI for seamless creative experiences.


  • WebUI Access: InvokeAI comes with an industry leading Web Interface that provides a user-friendly, intuitive, and responsive experience for creating visual content on various devices.
  • Command Line Interface (CLI): Support for terminal usage enables advanced users and developers to utilize InvokeAI's features through powerful command-line tools.
  • Unified Canvas: The integrated canvas supports in/outpainting and brush tools, allowing creators to work side by side with AI in their artistic process.
  • Workflow Management: With nodes-based workflows, users can create and share customizable pipelines, optimizing their creative production processes.
  • Gallery Management: InvokeAI's gallery system allows you to neatly organize, access, and edit your creations with robust metadata handling for better workflow management.

Use Cases:

  • Professional Art Creation: Artists and designers can leverage InvokeAI to expand their creativity, generating new visual concepts and detailed artworks.
  • Enhanced Media Production: InvokeAI can be used in media production environments to create rich visual content, from storyboards to finalized assets.
  • AI-Powered Editing: Photographers and editors can use InvokeAI for AI-assisted editing tasks such as inpainting, outpainting, and image enhancement.
  • Educational Use: Educators and students in digital arts can utilize InvokeAI as a learning tool to understand and harness the potential of AI in creative fields.
  • Personal Art Projects: Enthusiasts exploring digital art can use InvokeAI to create personal projects and experiment with generative AI technologies.

InvokeAI is revolutionizing the way we approach visual content creation, blending human ingenuity with AI sophistication. Whether for professional use or personal exploration, InvokeAI empowers you to push the boundaries of creativity.