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What is Gooey.AI?

Gooey.AI simplifies AI integration with low-code recipes, providing developers and teams with the tools to create value quickly and efficiently. Access a range of AI models and build impactful solutions across various sectors while enjoying easy workflow management and a supportive community.


  • AI Workflows Made Simple: Easily discover, customize, and deploy AI workflows without the complexity. Ideal for driving productivity and innovation in any organization.
  • Robust AI Integration: Seamlessly integrates with popular AI models like GPT-4 and Stable Diffusion, offering a unified API and simplified billing for team-wide access.
  • Flexible Deployment Options: Offering cloud-hosted environments, on-premise solutions, or a combination of both to suit enterprise needs.
  • Extensive Model Access: Hot-swappable access to the leading private and open-source AI models powered by A100 GPUs for maximum performance.
  • Community-Driven Innovation: Join a vibrant community of over 200,000 users to share, inspire, and leverage collective AI expertise.
  • Transparent Pricing: Unified billing with 1000 starter credits makes managing costs straightforward for teams and individuals.

Use Cases:

  • Marketing Optimization: Boost search rankings and brand understanding with AI-powered SERP analysis and content creation.
  • Developer Productivity: Access a vast range of AI models, scale products efficiently, and manage team resources through one account.
  • Financial Reporting: Generate quality financial reports from diverse data sources, leveraging AI for accurate, timely insights.
  • Non-Profit Engagement: Empower non-profits to communicate with stakeholders in local languages using advanced AI chatbots.
  • Operational Efficiency: Enhance productivity with AI copilots that process internal data and provide actionable feedback.
  • Creative Media: Craft stunning animations and imagery for campaigns, utilizing AI to create engaging visual content.
  • Employee Knowledge: Develop intelligent bots that consolidate organizational knowledge, making it easily accessible.

Gooey.AI strives to democratize AI utilization by facilitating the creation and sharing of efficient AI workflows, enabling anyone to participate in the AI revolution.