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What is GPTExcel?

Unlock the full potential of your spreadsheets with GPTExcel's AI-powered toolset, including Excel formula, SQL query, VBA script, and regex generation. Perfect for individuals and businesses aiming to boost productivity and streamline processes.


  • Excel Formula Generator AI: Effortlessly create and understand spreadsheet formulas in Excel and Google Sheets, and perform complex calculations and analyses.
  • Script Generator AI: Automate your workflow with easy generation of VBA, Apps Scripts for Google Workspace, and Airtable scripts to efficiently handle repetitive tasks.
  • SQL Query Generator AI: Enhance your database management with AI-assisted SQL query generation, debugging, and optimization for multiple database systems.
  • Regex Generator AI: Generate and comprehend regular expression patterns for precise data validation and filtering with the help of AI.
  • Template Generator AI: Instantly generate table templates for Excel and Google Sheets to kick-start your data organization.

Use Cases:

  • Streamlined Spreadsheet Management: Use AI to generate formulas and automate tasks in Excel and Google Sheets, saving time for individuals and businesses.
  • Advanced Data Querying: Craft and refine complex SQL queries with ease, making data management more efficient for database administrators and analysts.
  • Script Automation: Produce scripts for VBA, Apps Script, and Airtable to standardize and expedite repetitive tasks, enhancing productivity.
  • Data Validation: Apply AI-generated regex patterns to validate and filter data effectively across various applications.
  • Custom Template Creation: Quickly create tailored spreadsheet templates for organizing data and jumpstarting projects.

GPTExcel revolutionizes spreadsheet and script generation, offering powerful AI tools that cater to a broad range of professional needs, from automating tedious tasks to managing complex databases.