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What is Type AI?

Type AI, formerly known as GPTKey, offers you the opportunity to write with AI in any app. Harness the power of cutting-edge deep learning models right inside of your keyboard.


  • Accessible AI: Type AI allows you to easily integrate AI-driven typing techniques into an array of apps.
  • Deep Learning Techniques: Our platform incorporates the latest in deep learning models for optimum typing assistance.
  • In-Keyboard Integration: The power of deep learning can be accessed conveniently from within your keyboard, for a seamless user experience.

Use Cases:

  • Content Creation: Enhance your content crafting abilities with a powerful AI typing assistant, effective in any writing app.
  • Speed and Efficiency: Improve your typing speed and efficiency with AI assistance integrated directly into your keyboard.
  • Cutting-Edge Tech Experience: Get a hands-on engagement with groundbreaking deep learning models with Type AI.

Type AI places the power of AI and deep learning at your fingertips, revolutionizing your typing experience across an array of apps and platforms.