Greatfit AI

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What is Greatfit AI?

GreatFit is a pioneering AI-based platform designed to assist hiring managers make unbiased recruitment decisions. It focuses on screening developer soft skills and ensuring culture-fit. GreatFit ensures you don't overlook a potential top talent simply due to a poorly drafted resume.


  • AI-Powered Behavioral Assessment: Our research-backed AI tool ensures you identify the best fit for your team, not just a good coder.
  • Accessible Developer Screening: GreatFit enables an efficient review of all applicants, even if you only have time to meet with 5% of them.
  • Seamless ATS Integration: Our platform effortlessly integrates with the Applicant Tracking System you use daily.
  • In-depth Data Analysis: GreatFit equips your hiring committee with comprehensive data points for making impartial hiring decisions.

Use Cases:

  • Hiring in Tech Companies: Tech firms can use GreatFit to identify candidates' soft skills, reducing the need for extensive video interviews.
  • Leadership and Mentorship Roles: GreatFit aids in identifying potential leaders and mentors within applicants through comprehensive screening.
  • Unbiased Recruitment: Organizations seeking to reduce bias in their hiring processes can leverage GreatFit's unbiased AI-based selection.
  • Screening for Design Intuition: Companies looking for developers with a knack for good UX can utilize GreatFit's screening tools.

GreatFit is an exceptional, research-backed AI tool that helps to select the best fitting developers for your team. It offers an efficient, unbiased, and thorough screening of applicants, focusing as much on soft skills and culture-fit as on technical acumen.