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What is Podium?

Elevate your podcasting experience with Podium's AI-powered suite of tools. Designed for efficiency, our platform is trusted by over 10,000 creators and brands to save time and enhance content quality. Try Podium and unlock your podcasting potential!


  • 90-Day Promo Code Memory: Never forget a promo code again with our system that remembers it for you, ensuring you always get your deserved discount.
  • Creator and Brand Endorsements: Join the league of over 10,000 creators and brands who trust Podium to streamline their podcasting workflow.
  • Effortless Shownotes: Automatically generate comprehensive shownotes with summaries and chapters for your episodes, simplifying post-production.
  • Smart Chapters: Divide your podcast into neatly organized core topics, enhancing listener navigation on platforms like Spotify and Youtube.
  • Accurate Transcripts: Access high-quality, searchable transcripts in .TXT and .VTT formats, making your content more accessible and discoverable.
  • Highlight Clips: Easily create highlight reels with timestamps and transcripts of the most engaging moments from your episodes.
  • Ready-to-Share Social Media Posts: Generate social media content ready to post on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc., to effectively promote your episodes.
  • SEO Boosting Keywords: Attract more fans and improve search engine discoverability with a wealth of highly-relevant keywords.

Use Cases:

  • Content Creators: Podcasters, producers, and marketing directors utilize Podium to expedite content creation and easily manage post-production tasks.
  • Time-Saving Transcription: Podium dramatically reduces transcription times, allowing creators to repurpose older episodes efficiently.
  • Enhanced Discovery: With Podium's keyword optimization, podcast episodes gain better visibility, attracting a larger audience.
  • Podcast Studios: Improve client satisfaction by integrating Podium's speedy show notes and highlight creation into your studio's service offering.

Podium revolutionizes podcast production with AI-powered tools that simplify and enhance content creation. From seamless transcriptions to customized social media posts, creators can focus on what they do best – telling engaging stories. Sign up to get 3 FREE hours and experience the Podium difference today!