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What is HelpLook?

HelpLook offers a sophisticated AI-driven knowledge base, support center, and corporate blog to enhance customer self-service and brand awareness while ensuring data security and seamless integration.


  • Custom AI ChatBot: Integrate an AI-powered Q&A bot customized for your enterprise, based on existing knowledge and models.
  • Knowledge Base (CMS): Easily build a help center with a WYSIWYG content editor and a site publishing system for comprehensive support documentation.
  • Data Security & Global Deployment: Benefit from multi-layer encryption, SSL transmission, and flexible cloud services with a global reach.
  • Multilingual Support: One-click site translation to support global languages, catering to a diverse audience.
  • SEO and Brand Customization: Custom domain binding and search engine submission to maintain brand identity and improve search engine visibility.
  • Continuous Data Analysis: Leverage real-time data collection and visual analysis tools for consistent service optimization.

Use Cases:

  • Improving Self-Service Experience: Users get instant access to self-help resources, reducing the load on customer service teams.
  • Boosting Sales Lead Conversion: Leverage interactive conversations for lead qualification and nurture, enhancing product sales.
  • Accumulating Brand Presence: Online knowledge repositories organically attract search traffic, enriching brand image and awareness.

With HelpLook, businesses can revolutionize their customer support services, empowering both staff and clients with state-of-the-art knowledge management tools and AI-driven solutions, ultimately driving profitability and satisfaction.