Insights Hub

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What is Insights Hub?

Survicate's Insights Hub is a powerful platform that helps businesses transform scattered customer feedback into actionable insights. It consolidates feedback from various channels, including reviews, messages, emails, surveys, interviews, calls, communities, and offline chats.

Key Features of Insights Hub:

  • Automatic Categorization: The Hub automatically categorizes and analyzes user feedback from all channels, eliminating the need for manual tagging.
  • AI-Powered Insights: AI analyzes raw feedback and extracts key insights, providing businesses with an up-to-date understanding of customer sentiment and preferences.
  • Insights Assistant: This AI-powered conversational tool provides immediate answers to questions based on real user feedback, allowing businesses to gain deeper insights and make data-driven decisions.
  • Source Tracing: Users can trace responses back to their original source with annotations, providing a complete picture of the feedback and its context.
  • Survey Integration: Businesses can launch follow-up surveys directly from Survicate to gather additional insights and fill in any gaps in their data.
  • Customizable Categories: The Hub uses AI to sort feedback into pre-defined categories, but users can also create custom categories tailored to their specific needs.
  • Data Security: Insights Hub prioritizes data security and uses cutting-edge technologies to protect user information. Data is never used for training AI models.

Survicate's Insights Hub is a comprehensive solution that empowers businesses to understand their customers better, make informed decisions, and enhance their customer experience.

Insights Hub Prices


For individuals getting started with user feedback


For insight-driven teams looking for advanced feedback tools


For businesses seeking tailored, scalable feedback solutions