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What is

Interviewsby.AI is an AI-driven interview preparation tool that provides real-time feedback to help you land your dream job. It uses ChatGPT to generate hyper-realistic interview questions based on the job description you provide, and offers instant feedback and sample responses that guide your preparation.


  • AI-Generated Tailored Questions: Paste your job description to receive realistic questions designed specifically for your role. The more detailed the job description, the more precisely the AI crafts the interview questions.
  • Real-Time AI Feedback: Record your answers using an audio feature that simulates the real interview experience. Instant AI feedback and improved sample responses are then given to help you improve.
  • Free and Versatile Use: Interviewsby.AI is free to use and supports multiple job roles, making it perfect for interns, early-career applicants, or individuals transitioning to a new role or field.
  • Safe Data Handling: Interviewsby.AI values privacy since your audio files are deleted immediately after transcription, and usage data are anonymously tracked for user experience improvement purposes.

Use Cases:

  • Mock Interview for Job Applicants: Job applicants can use the site to practice and prepare for interviews, reducing anxiety and boosting their confidence.
  • Transitioning to a New Role: Anyone transitioning to a new role can use the AI tool to generate potential interview questions and prepare responses.
  • Interview Prep for Early-Career Roles: For those applying for internships or early-career roles, Interviewsby.AI provides a risk-free environment to hone their interview skills.

Interviewsby.AI is a powerful ally for anyone preparing for a job interview. Its AI-driven, hyper-realistic mock interviews are customized to the user's prospective role, offering immediate feedback and improved sample responses. This free tool respects privacy, making it a risk-free, beneficial resource for job seekers and career shifters.