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What is LANDR?

Unlock the full potential of your music with LANDR Studio. Save time and money with a comprehensive production suite featuring mastering, distribution, premium plugins, sample credits, and collaboration tools, all at an exclusive 20% discount.


  • AI Mastering Engine: Utilize LANDR’s cutting-edge AI to master your tracks with precision, achieving a polished sound without relying on presets.
  • Unlimited Music Distribution: Release your music on over 150 streaming platforms globally while retaining 100% of your royalties, backed by responsive customer support.
  • Extensive Sample Library: Gain access to over 2 million exclusive and curated royalty-free samples, providing a wealth of creative possibilities.
  • Comprehensive Plugin Access: Enhance your production with over 30 studio-grade plugins and essential tools, including bonus plugins and instructional courses.
  • Remote Collaboration: Create and collaborate on music remotely with high-quality DAW streaming, messaging, storage, and time-stamped feedback in your video chats.

Use Cases:

  • Home Studio Production: LANDR Studio meets the needs of home studio producers, providing a professional sound without the need for expensive gear or services.
  • Music Distribution: Artists looking to release their tracks can effortlessly reach audiences on major streaming platforms and retain full control over their earnings.
  • Collaborative Projects: Facilitates seamless remote collaboration between musicians and producers, enabling productive sessions and easy sharing of feedback.
  • Learning and Growth: With its comprehensive collection of plugins and courses, LANDR Studio is ideal for producers eager to expand their skills and knowledge.

LANDR Studio offers a revolutionary solution for producers and artists to master, distribute, and collaborate on music all in one place. With an exclusive 20% discount, transform your music production process and achieve professional results effortlessly.