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What is Latitude?

Latitude provides a sophisticated platform for early-stage startups, facilitating swift and simple data exploration and visualization to propel business growth. Featuring AI assistance, SQL support, live collaboration, and more, Latitude transforms the way startups engage with data.


  • Built for Startups: Latitude is designed specifically for startups; enabling efficient data reporting while allowing you to focus on scaling your business.
  • Data Exploration with AI Assistant: The platform includes an AI Assistant that simplifies and accelerates data exploration.
  • Easy Connectivity: Latitude connects seamlessly with your databases, warehouses and tools for a comprehensive data analysis experience.
  • Collaborative Data Exploration: The platform supports multi-user access enabling teams to collaboratively analyse data in real-time.
  • Effective Data Visualization: Latitude includes chart and table creation tools for effective data visualization and interpretation.

Use Cases:

  • Streamlined Data Reporting: Startups can utilise Latitude for efficient and hassle-free data reporting, saving significant time and resources.
  • Improved Business Decisions: With effective data visualization, startups can glean valuable insights that inform strategic business decisions.
  • Real-time Collaboration: Teams can use Latitude for real-time collaboration on data projects, enhancing collective productivity and decision making.
  • Artificial Intelligence: The AI assistant can effectively enhance data exploration capabilities, facilitating quicker and more efficient data analyses.

Whether you're seeking to streamline data reporting, foster collaboration in your team or leverage artificial intelligence for data analysis, Latitude is an all-in-one solution for startups to excel at data exploration and consumption, collaboratively and with ease.