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What is LearnerOn?

LearnerOn is an AI-powered learning platform designed to empower companies of all sizes to cultivate a learning organization. Its core features cater to both talent leaders and individual learners, providing a comprehensive and personalized learning experience.

For Talent Leaders:

  • Streamlined L&D: LearnerOn integrates learning resources, skills, occupations, and learning management into one platform, simplifying the L&D process.
  • Engaging Learners: The AI-powered engine creates personalized learning paths, tailored to each individual's needs and preferences.
  • Progress Tracking: The platform enables self-service learning, peer-to-peer collaboration, and top-down learning modes, while tracking progress and skill development across the organization.

Key Benefits for Talent Leaders:

  • Cockpit for learning administrators: Provides a central dashboard for managing compliance, progress, and learning assignments.
  • Compliance and progress dashboards: Offers real-time insights into learning progress and adherence to organizational goals.
  • Learning assignment central: Enables efficient task management and ensures everyone is aligned with learning objectives.

For Individual Learners:

  • Personalized Learning: AI-driven recommendations suggest the next steps in individual learning journeys, considering skills gaps, aspirations, and career goals.
  • Human Connection: Despite its AI-powered features, LearnerOn fosters human interaction through peer-to-peer learning, mentorship, and the ability to share learning paths.

Key Benefits for Individual Learners:

  • Catalogue of Learning Materials: Provides access to over 500,000 courses, videos, articles, podcasts, code, and more.
  • Personalized Learning Paths: Tailored to individual needs and preferences, offering a personalized learning journey.
  • Two-way Feedback: Facilitates open communication and collaboration between learners, mentors, and team leaders.

LearnerOn is a comprehensive solution that bridges the gap between technology and human-centric learning, providing:

  • Meaningful Learning Programs: Designed to address specific needs and promote individual and organizational growth.
  • Technology-supported Mentorship: Enables seamless communication and knowledge sharing between mentors and learners.
  • Informed Skill Development: Provides insights into skill gaps and suggests relevant learning resources to fill them.
  • Focus on Learning Culture: Creates an environment that encourages continuous learning and professional development.
  • Nurturing Learning Organization: Empowers organizations to embrace a culture of continuous learning and innovation.