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What is LessEffort.io?

Unlock the full potential of ChatGPT with LessEffort's personalized interface, community prompts, and cost tracking. Enjoy creative conversations and easy sharing, all while keeping costs under control. Try it for free or get the premium annual deal with 30% off now!


  • Beautiful Color Customization: Tailor the app's UI with your chosen color scheme for a personalized experience.
  • Community Prompts: Leverage a wide array of pre-built prompts to inspire engaging AI interactions.
  • Create Your Prompts: Craft custom prompts to obtain specific and accurate AI-generated responses.
  • Conversation Sharing: Share your AI chats effortlessly with others using generated shareable links.
  • Message Bookmarking: Save critical conversations to refer back to significant insights whenever needed.
  • Personalized AI Tone: Adjust the AI response style to suit your preferred tone and language nuances.
  • Cost Tracking: Monitor API usage and expenditure with built-in cost tracking features.

Use Cases:

  • Design and Development: UI/UX designers and developers can harness LessEffort for creative content and collaborative review.
  • Educational Assistance: Students and academics can utilize the tool for generating educational content or assignments.
  • Professional Workflow: Bankers and other professionals can rely on LessEffort for swift, AI-assisted daily tasks and presentations.

LessEffort stands out in the realm of AI chat services, not just for its affordability and varied features, but also for its engaging, user-centric design. Whether for collaborative projects, educational purposes, or professional assistance, this platform offers a versatile, cost-effective solution.