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What is Lunit?

Lunit AI leverages advanced artificial intelligence to enhance cancer detection and treatment, backed by strong research and global adoption across 2,000+ sites.


  • Early Cancer Detection: Utilizing AI for early-stage cancer detection to improve survival rates through timely management.
  • AI-Powered Cancer Treatment: Predicting immunotherapy responses and increasing treatment efficacy using advanced AI biomarkers.
  • Robust Research Foundation: Over 200 studies and abstracts, ensuring a scientifically solid approach to AI in cancer care.
  • Award-Winning Technology: Winner of the Visual Domain Adaptation Challenge, showcasing the technical prowess of Lunit AI solutions.
  • Global Deployment: Widely-used technology with a presence in over 48 countries and 2,000 healthcare sites globally.

Use Cases:

  • Routine Clinical Practice: Integrating Lunit AI into daily operations at major hospitals such as Inje University Paik Hospital.
  • Precision Oncology: Applying Lunit's AI to developing new precision oncology products, as stated by NYU's Data Science Center.
  • Technological Partnerships: Collaboration with industry leaders like Samsung to enhance chest screening X-ray devices.
  • Mergers and Acquisitions: Strategic expansion through acquiring entities like Volpara to strengthen its AI offerings.

Lunit AI is at the forefront of combating cancer with its advanced AI tools that are transforming cancer detection and treatment, validated by global research and clinical adoption.