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What is Luxi.Ai?

Luxi is an AI-powered tool that helps users discover, detect, and shop for items they see in images. Users can upload a picture, and Luxi will recognize the items within it, providing options to track prices, learn more about the product, or even purchase it directly. This innovative technology aims to revolutionize online shopping by bridging the gap between real-world visuals and online product discovery. Luxi's key features include:

  • Upload Picture: Users can upload any image to Luxi's platform.
  • Recognize: Luxi's AI technology analyzes the image and identifies the items present.
  • Track: Users can track the prices of recognized items and receive notifications when prices change.
  • Shop: Luxi provides links to purchase recognized items directly from online retailers.

Luxi is positioning itself as a "personal AI-stylist," making it easier for users to find and purchase the products they desire, all through the power of image recognition.