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What is

Meet Machined, an AI-powered platform that generates, structures, writes, and interlinks SEO-optimized articles to boost your organic traffic. From automated keyword research and clustering to crafting human-like articles, Machined is your one-stop solution for content creation on any scale or any topic


  • SEO Strategy on auto-pilot: Machined analyses the latest keyword data to create effective clusters that rank high.
  • Automated Keyword Research & Clustering: Machined conducts and manipulates keyword research based on advanced analytics of the latest keyword data.
  • Automated Internal Linking: By automatically interlinking the articles, Machined optimizes your site structure for better SEO results.
  • Human-like Articles & Control on Tone: Advanced AI models generate quality text, while allowing customization of perspective and tone.
  • Multi-Language Support & Scalability: Machined natively supports over 100 languages and is built to be exceptionally fast, scalable, and flexible.
  • Cost-effective & Unrestricted: Machined is designed to be cost-effective with no markup on AI usage. Users have access to their own usage limits and throttling limits.

Use Cases:

  • Content Creation for Start-ups: Start-ups can use Machined to create volumes of high-ranking, SEO-optimized articles at a fraction of the usual cost and time.
  • Boosting Organic Traffic: Machined produces clusters of content to improve SERP rankings and drive organic traffic.
  • Multi-Niche Bulk Writing: Machined is ideal for creating large amounts of high-quality, multi-topic content for niche site owners and programmatic site builders.
  • Content Localization: With multi-language support, companies can go global with their content in over 100 languages.

Machined is a pioneering platform that revolutionizes content creation by fully automating the end-to-end process of creating SEO-optimized, high-quality content clusters at an unbeaten price point. Whether you are a startup, a niche site owner, or a content marketer, Machined equips you with the power to scale and streamline your content efforts effectively.