Magic Patterns

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What is Magic Patterns?

Introducing Magic Patterns, the AI assistant that integrates with Figma to transform designs into ready-to-use HTML components with support for popular frameworks like Mantine, Chakra UI, and Tailwind. Effortlessly bring your design systems to life.


  • AI-Powered Component Generation: Harness the power of AI to convert your Figma designs into clean and precise HTML code, streamlining the development process.
  • Seamless Framework Integration: Magic Patterns supports a variety of UI frameworks including Mantine, Chakra UI, Shadcn, Radix, and Tailwind, ensuring compatibility and ease of use.
  • Custom Design Systems: Create custom UI components from any design system, even your own, for a tailor-made frontend experience.
  • Patterns Showcase: Explore a wide array of creative patterns and components that can be directly implemented into your project.

Use Cases:

  • Rapid Prototyping: Speed up the prototyping stage by quickly turning Figma designs into functional HTML components.
  • Efficient Team Collaboration: Enable designers and engineers to collaborate more effectively by using AI to translate design language into developer-friendly code.
  • Custom UI Development: Facilitate the building of unique UIs that stand out, with support for customized design systems and a variety of UI frameworks.

Magic Patterns offers a revolutionary tool for designers and engineers to enhance their frontend workflow. By leveraging AI technology and framework compatibility, Magic Patterns delivers efficiency, customization, and a robust design-to-code solution.