Crowd Feel

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What is Crowd Feel?

Meet Febin AI Projects, unveiling Crowd Feel, an innovative AI tool designed to predict your target audience's reactions to your LinkedIn posts and drafts. Define your reader's persona and witness the power of AI!


  • Real-Time Reaction Analysis: Crowd Feel utilizes cutting-edge AI techniques to deliver immediate predictions of how your audience will react to your content.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Just input your draft, define your reader's persona, and watch AI perform its magic!
  • Targeted for All: Whether you're a teenager, a business professional, or a senior, Crowd Feel is designed to accommodate users of all demographics.
  • Future Tools in Pipeline: Stay tuned for more AI-tools specifically tailored for storytellers in the pipeline!

Use Cases:

  • Maximize LinkedIn Engagement: Use Crowd Feel to optimize your LinkedIn posts and drafts for greatest audience appeal.
  • Advance Storytelling Capabilities: Writers and content creators can leverage Crowd Feel to understand audience sentiment and improve their storytelling skills.

Crowd Feel is an AI experiment, aiming at sensing reactions of factors like LinkedIn posts. Developed as part of Febin AI Projects, this tool is a breakthrough in audience analysis and storytelling, with more such remarkable utilities on the way.