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What is Jamie AI?

Jamie crafts exceptional AI meeting notes and summaries, supporting 15+ languages, ensuring your privacy, without the intrusion of a bot.


  • Automatic Summaries: Initiate Jamie and it automatically generates comprehensive meeting summaries, transcripts, and action items.
  • No Bot Intrusion: Jamie operates without needing a virtual bot during your calls, maintaining the natural flow of meetings.
  • Multilingual Support: Jamie supports over 15 languages, accommodating a global user base for seamless meeting documentation.
  • Privacy-First Approach: Data is stored and processed in Europe, prioritizing user privacy and compliance with GDPR.
  • Semantic Search: Easily retrieve information through semantic meaning-based search in your meetings, for quick reference.
  • Custom Templates: Take advantage of custom note templates and let Jamie fill them out, tailoring the output to your specific needs.

Use Cases:

  • Busy Professionals: Professionals who spend the day in meetings can save resources and ensure key points are accurately captured.
  • Accessibility: Jamie is an asset for individuals with disabilities who find it challenging to take notes during meetings.
  • GLobal Teams: Teams that operate across different languages and regions benefit from Jamie's multilingual functionalities.
  • Privacy-Conscious Organizations: Organizations prioritizing data privacy will appreciate Jamie's GDPR-compliant operation.
  • Intense Note-Takers: Anyone who feels overwhelmed by manual note-taking will find relief in Jamie's automatic, intelligent summarizations.

With Jamie, experience the next level of meeting productivity where technology simplifies note-taking and ensures nothing gets missed. It’s time to embrace a smarter way to memorialize discussions without constraints, privacy concerns, or language barriers.