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What is Maya AI?

Maya AI is your personalized digital solution that automates data research and analysis to provide actionable insights, tailored for healthcare and pharma industry needs.


  • Intelligent Symptom Scoring: Maya AI leverages advanced algorithms to assist in the drug optimization process by evaluating and scoring symptoms effectively.
  • Cross-Source Data Synthesis: Combines data from various internal and external sources to provide comprehensive insights, streamlining decision-making.
  • Personalization and Learning: Understands specific user roles and adapts to learning preferences to deliver more relevant information and improve customer success.
  • Multi-Language Communication: Capable of understanding and translating up to 14 different languages, making it accessible for international users.
  • Continuous Improvement: Employs machine learning to continually enhance its capabilities, ensuring up-to-date and accurate responses.
  • Data Privacy and Security: Prioritizes user data protection with strict protocols to ensure confidentiality and security.
  • Seamless Integration: Offers robust API and developer tools for easy integration into existing systems or platforms.

Use Cases:

  • Healthcare Treatment Insights: Case studies from healthcare centers like Singapore's Cancer Center showcase Maya's potential in generating insights for stronger treatment options.
  • Regulation Compliance: Ensures organizations meet regulatory requirements, minimizing risks and avoiding potential penalties.
  • Commercial Strategy Optimization: Helps automate tasks and improve communication to ensure regulation adherence and foster a safer environment for customers.

Maya AI is more than just a data analysis tool; it's a comprehensive intelligent platform designed to empower the healthcare and pharma industries with real-time, actionable insights while maintaining stringent data security and personalization for each user.