Metaview AI

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What is Metaview AI?

Metaview is an AI-powered tool that automatically generates notes for recruiters and interviewers. The AI writes, summarizes, and structures your interview notes for you so you can focus on high-quality interactions with candidates and hiring teams. It is designed specifically for recruiting and interviewing, helping to power thousands of recruiters from next-generation startups to established enterprises.


  • AI-Generated Note Taking: Our AI system writes, summarizes, and structures your interview notes for you, allowing you to focus on high-quality interactions.
  • Seamless Integration: Metaview works with all the tools you already use, including your calendar, ATS, GoodTime, Calendly, and all video conferencing platforms and mobile calls.
  • Comprehensive Security and Privacy: Built to comply with GDPR and CCPA regulations, Metaview ensures the protection of candidates’ privacy with granular access controls, customizable data retention, and SOC II-compliant security.
  • Advanced Learning AI: Every person’s note-taking needs are different. That’s why after every interview, based on your feedback, our AI tailors and improves itself to get closer to your specific needs.

Use Cases:

  • Interviews: The AI system takes on the responsibility of note-taking during interviews, allowing recruiters to concentrate on the conversation.
  • Intake & Debrief Meetings: Use Metaview's AI for note-taking during intake and debrief meetings, freeing you to focus on advising and collaborating with hiring teams.
  • Scorecard Autofill: Our AI pre-populates interview scorecards with objective information, reducing the time you need to synthesize your feedback.
  • Smart Autocomplete Suggestions: As you type your own opinions and judgments into subjective sections of your scorecard, we make smart, context-specific autocomplete suggestions.

Metaview is a go-to platform for recruiters and interviewers who need AI-powered assistance in note-taking, thereby providing more time for high-quality interactions with candidates. The automatic summarization of interviews and seamless integration with existing tools enhances efficiency and effectiveness in the recruitment process.