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What is Notelier?

Notelier is an innovative note-taking and study platform powered by Artificial Intelligence. It offers automatic generation of flashcards, quizzes, summaries, paraphrasing, grammatical assistance, and fast-paced note-taking, enabling you to study smarter and faster, and stay ahead in your academics.


  • Automatic Flashcards and Quizzes: Notelier creates flashcards and quizzes from your text and essays within seconds, helping you study quickly and conveniently.
  • Smart Paraphrasing: Notelier has the ability to reword your papers for any grade level or age, improving clarity and understanding.
  • Grammatical Corrections: Notelier provides detailed explanations on your grammatical errors, enabling you to learn and improve your writing skills.
  • Interactive Note Chat: You can ask Notelier specific questions about your notes, saving hours of self-figuring.
  • Quick Writing Assistance: Generate high-quality paragraphs in seconds, allowing you to focus more on editing.
  • Smart Note Summaries: Summarize and understand your notes or lectures within seconds, enabling a faster study process.

Use Cases:

  • For Students: Students can leverage Notelier to cut their study time in half, achieve better understanding and improve their academic performance.
  • For Writers: Professional and amateur writers can use Notelier for quick drafting, paraphrasing, and grammar assistance to enhance their writing quality and speed.
  • For Teachers: Teachers can benefit from Notelier by generating quick quizzes, summarizing lengthy notes, and writing content faster for their teaching materials.

Notelier is more than a note-taking app; it is a game-changer in learning and studying processes using the power of AI technology. It is a special tool designed to help you achieve your academic and career goals. With Notelier, you study smarter, faster, and stay ahead at a budget-friendly price of $5.99 per month.