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What is OpenChat?

Enhance your SaaS product with OpenCopilot—an intelligent AI assistant capable of voice and text interaction, executing complex tasks, and automating flows. Integration is simple and tailored for ecommerce growth.


  • Intuitive User Assistance: Provide user-friendly AI assistance similar to Siri within your own product for a seamless experience.
  • Advanced Automation: Automate complex workflows and bulk actions to streamline operations and improve efficiency.
  • Easy Installation: Quickly add OpenCopilot to your product with just 10 lines of JavaScript code or utilize our SDKs for deeper integration.
  • Open Source Flexibility: Self-host OpenCopilot for full control and customization with the support from an active community of over 4.3K GitHub stars and 13+ contributors.
  • Data Interpretation: Not limited to just actions, OpenCopilot can understand and process various types of data, offering help based on provided information.
  • Scalable Plans: Start for free with basic features or scale your usage with premium plans that offer enhanced capabilities and personal support.

Use Cases:

  • Ecommerce Efficiency: Automatically manage inventory, process orders, and update product information in ecommerce platforms.
  • Data Insights: Instantly generate sales reports and analyses, aiding in strategic decision making.
  • Customer Service Automation: Enhance customer support by allowing AI to handle common inquiries and service requests.
  • Workflow Optimization: Enable complex tasks without coding, unlocking new operational flows within your product.

OpenCopilot transforms your SaaS product with smart AI assistance, boosts operational efficiency, and fosters business growth without the need for extensive resources or technical know-how. Embrace the future of product assistants now.