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What is OpinioAI?

OpinioAI offers an AI powered research tool that helps marketing, product or academic researchers derive relevant insights, data, & opinions in a scalable way, without dependence on conventional methods like polls and surveys.


  • Persona Builder: An AI tool that helps you build detailed buyer personas by defining their interests, dreams, frustrations, and basic demographic traits. Aids in focused research & discovery.
  • Ask Away: Enables you to ask anything to your predefined personas & receive relevant, precise responses needed for your research instantly.
  • Analyze: Upload and have your reports, research publications, or academic papers processed and analyzed by AI. It allows dynamic inquiry related to the uploaded material.
  • Evaluate messaging: Evaluate positioning statements, value propositions, USPs, challenges etc. from the perspective of your core personas; receive an honest opinion & constructive feedback.

Use Cases:

  • For Marketing and Product Researchers: Gather relevant data and insights effortlessly on buyer personas to streamline marketing and product strategies.
  • For Academic Research: Analyze academic papers & reports and gather meaningful insights instantly.
  • Synthetic Data Generation: Simulate humans and extract synthetic opinions in detail, to replace traditional data collection methods, work faster, easier, and leaner.

OpinioAI is a trailblazing AI powered research platform offering seamless extraction of insights, opinions, and synthetic data. Empowering researchers to work smarter and leaner, without relying on conventional methods.