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What is Pipl.ai?

Maximize your sales results with Pipl.ai – an innovative cold outreach platform that offers AI-driven personalization, seamless integrations, and unlimited scalability without any hidden costs. Boost engagement and inbox placement with sophisticated features tailored for every business size.


  • AI-Powered Personalization: Hyper-personalize your outreach at scale with text, images, GIFs, and videos, leveraging AI models trained for specific industries.
  • Built-In Data Enrichment: Automate data validation and enrichment, reducing the need for manual list management and increasing campaign effectiveness.
  • Infinite Scalability: Connect unlimited inboxes, store endless prospects, and run endless campaigns to expand your outreach with no extra cost.
  • Advanced Deliverability Controls: Achieve a 99.8% inbox hit rate with sophisticated warm-up tools and reduced spam complaints ensuring emails reach their target.
  • Comprehensive Dashboard Metrics: Access critical campaign metrics in an easy-to-understand dashboard to drive informed decisions and enhance campaign performance.

Use Cases:

  • Outreach at Scale: Suitable for businesses looking to automate and personalize outreach to thousands of prospects quickly and efficiently.
  • Cost-Effective Campaigns: Ideal for startups or cost-conscious businesses that aim to avoid per-user fees and hidden charges in marketing campaigns.
  • Diverse Industry Application: Adaptable for any industry, with AI models that cater to unique communication needs and outreach strategies.
  • Easy Onboarding: New users can get started effortlessly with an intuitive user interface and supportive customer service for any assistance required.
  • Performance Tracking: Suitable for marketers who crave detailed insights into their campaign performance without needing extensive data science knowledge.

Pipl.ai is more than just an outreach tool; it's a comprehensive, AI-powered platform designed to streamline and supercharge cold email campaigns. Its high customization, scalability, and user-centric approach make it a valuable asset for businesses aiming to maximize outreach efforts and scale up operations efficiently.