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What is Plicanta?

Plicanta helps accelerate your job search by transforming your resume into an impressive portfolio website. It also keeps your application process organized, gamifies your job search, and saves the crucial job descriptions.


  • Hassle-Free Resume Building: Plicanta turns your resume into a beautiful, easily updateable website. It also offers automated conversions into DOCX.
  • Effortless Application Tracking: Forget about messy folders and spreadsheets - Plicanta keeps you ready to tackle your interviewer's questions at any time.
  • Innovative Tools for Faster Applications: With Plicanta, you can apply to jobs 7 times faster - it generates a starting point for your cover letter using the job description and your resume.
  • Experience Automation: Say goodbye to repetitive copy-pasting, with Plicanta, automatically export your cover letters into .docx format.
  • Customizable Templates: Plicanta offers easy-to-use customizable templates to create a professional-looking website and resume.

Use Cases:

  • Stress-Free Job-seeking: Job seekers can use Plicanta to remain organized and proactive during their job search, with ready-made cover letters and saved job descriptions.
  • Efficient Resume Management: All professionals can use Plicanta to maintain and update their resume hassle-free, with automated conversions into docx.
  • Effective Application Tracking: Individuals can say goodbye to maintaining complex spreadsheets for tracking job applications; Plicanta does it all automatically.

Plicanta is a one-stop solution for all your job-seeking needs, ensuring a streamlined and efficient approach to finding and maintaining your dream job.