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What is Postgenerator?

Unlock the potential of your LinkedIn presence with Postli, the AI-powered post generator. Create captivating content effortlessly with 1000s of templates and enhance your engagement numbers like never before!


  • Diverse Template Library: Access thousands of templates to kickstart your LinkedIn content creation process, ensuring a professional look and feel.
  • Imitation of Top Creators' Styles: Replicate the distinctive styles of successful LinkedIn influencers to generate posts that stand out and capture attention.
  • Custom Prompt Usage: Leverage the power of AI to create personalized posts based on your own unique prompts, tailoring your message to your audience.
  • Template-Based Creation: Start with a solid foundation by crafting your posts on tried and tested templates, ensuring effective communication and design.
  • Post Enhancer: Optimize your posts with enhancements that tweak the length, correct grammar, and refine your message for maximum impact.
  • List Generation: Easily compile and share lists of books, companies, or other resources in your posts, adding value and sparking interest.

Use Cases:

  • Influencer Imitation: For individuals looking to mimic the success of top LinkedIn profiles, replicating their style can help you resonate with a wider audience.
  • Personalized Content: Users seeking to infuse their own voice into posts can utilize custom prompts, ensuring authenticity and personal touch.
  • Content Optimization: Professionals aiming to perfect their posts can use AI enhancements to elevate language, grammar, and overall post quality.
  • Resource Sharing: Share valuable information through curated lists, establishing yourself as a thought leader and go-to resource within your network.

Postli is your go-to platform to amplify your LinkedIn presence using AI-driven creativity and efficiency. Generate, enhance, and share content that resonates and drives engagement with ease.