Pragma AI

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What is Pragma AI?

Integrate your organization's knowledge seamlessly. Find answers in Slack, personalize privacy, empower sales with Pragma’s AI Assistant, and create custom chatbots for efficient support.


  • AI-Powered Knowledge Access: Access organizational knowledge sources directly in Slack, providing instant information when it's needed most.
  • Multi-Platform Assistant: A synchronous assistant that executes cross-platform tasks to aggregate information, compose emails, and send messages.
  • Customizable Privacy Settings: A privacy-first approach with flexible integration options, allowing data storage preferences and individualized privacy controls.
  • Knowledge Enhancement through Feedback: Improve your knowledge repository quality by incorporating user feedback on AI-generated answers.
  • CRM Assistant for Sales: Retrieve critical sales information quickly, from customer interactions to the latest communication threads.
  • Competitive Insights Loader: Analyze competitors and strategize accordingly by directly loading and reviewing competitor websites.
  • Organizational Knowledge Leverage: Utilize internal wisdom to create content that resonates with clients, ensuring all materials are fresh and relevant.
  • AI-Driven Customer Support: Incorporate a chatbot trained on your data, to offer immediate automated support on your website.

Use Cases:

  • Instant Information Retrieval: Pragma swiftly locates vital information within Slack, aiding teams to focus on tasks without information-search disruptions.
  • Sales Team Empowerment: Sales professionals use Pragma to enhance customer engagement with quick access to key details and efficient competitor analysis.
  • Support Automation: Customer support is revolutionized with AI chatbots, providing instant answers and freeing up time for strategic customer management.
  • Content Creation with Impact: Utilize up-to-date organizational insights to craft compelling content that aligns with customer needs and market trends.

Pragma redefines how knowledge is accessed, shared, and utilized within organizations, leading to increased productivity and proactive customer engagement.