Presto AI

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What is Presto AI?

Simplify your drive-thru operations with Presto Voice, the leading voice automation technology ensuring fast service and revenue growth. Perfect for handling labor shortages and boosting efficiency.


  • Fast and Easy Deployment: Install Presto Voice in just a few hours without any disruption to your drive-thru service, for an instant boost to your operations.
  • Substantial Return on Investment: Presto Voice offers impressive labor cost savings and significant revenue increases through upsells, demonstrating a quantifiable impact on your bottom line.
  • Proven at Scale: With over 277,000 products deployed, Presto's experience ensures rapid deployment of enterprise-grade systems across numerous locations.
  • Greater Reliability: Enjoy up to 95% order automation with minimal staff intervention as Presto Voice operates efficiently around the clock.

Use Cases:

  • Managing Labor Shortages: Automate your drive-thru to mitigate the impact of labor shortages without compromising on service quality.
  • Enhancing Customer Throughput: Serve more customers faster and prevent drive-offs by streamlining your drive-thru operations with AI.
  • Increasing Operational Efficiency: Leverage AI to assist staff with order taking, allowing them to focus on other critical aspects of service and improve overall efficiency.
  • Boosting Revenue: Utilize automated upselling techniques to effortlessly increase average order sizes and boost monthly revenues.

Presto Voice stands out as the optimum voice automation solution for drive-thrus, delivering rapid installation, consistent reliability, and proven scalability. It's an investment in technology that offers significant returns, both in terms of customer satisfaction and financial performance.