Prompt Library

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What is Prompt Library?

Prompt Library is a free online resource that provides over 20,000 Midjourney prompts. Users can search for prompts by category, including artistic techniques, color and lighting, nature and environment, emotions and moods, design and decor, tech and futurism, and more.

The website categorizes prompts by various aspects, such as:

  • Artistic Techniques & Styles: This includes styles like illustration, fantasy, digital art, painting, watercolor, and more.
  • Color & Lighting: This category includes prompts with specific color palettes, lighting effects, and contrast levels.
  • Nature & Environment: Here, you can find prompts focused on landscapes, wildlife, flowers, oceans, forests, and more.
  • Emotions & Moods: This section encompasses prompts that evoke specific emotions, like cuteness, beauty, horror, relaxation, and whimsy.
  • Design & Decor: Prompts related to interior design, architecture, and various design styles are found here.
  • Tech & Futurism: This category features prompts centered around technology, futuristic themes, cyberpunk, and virtual reality.
  • Entertainment & Media: Prompts related to adventure, action, music, film, gaming, and superhero themes are in this section.
  • Character & People: Find prompts with specific character designs, including full body, woman, man, girl, and family.
  • Creativity & Imagination: Prompts for abstract, imaginative, and creative artworks are in this category.
  • Culture & History: Prompts focused on cultural and historical themes, like mythology, tradition, and vintage styles.
  • Space & Sci-Fi: Prompts centered around space exploration, aliens, galaxies, and dystopian themes.
  • Realism & Detail: Prompts emphasizing realistic, detailed, and hyper-realistic styles.
  • Nature & Wildlife: Prompts focusing on animals, wildlife, pets, and marine life.
  • Fashion & Beauty: Prompts for fashion-related themes, like style, elegance, glamour, and fashion photography.
  • Themes & Atmosphere: Prompts with specific atmospheres, including darkness, travel, urban settings, and gothic themes.
  • Digital Tools & Software: Prompts related to specific software, techniques, and styles used in digital art.
  • Graphic Design & Branding: Prompts for graphic design elements, branding, logos, and typography.
  • Sport & Fitness: Prompts focused on sports, fitness, and exercise.
  • Subjects & Objects: Prompts featuring specific subjects and objects, like food, sports, cityscapes, and mountains.
  • Cultural & Social Themes: Prompts exploring diversity, religion, business, and social themes.
  • Quality & Resolution: Prompts requesting specific image quality and resolution.
  • Fun & Recreation: Prompts for playful, funny, and entertaining themes.
  • Health & Wellness: Prompts related to health, wellness, meditation, and stress relief.
  • Animation & Comics: Prompts for animation, anime, cartoon, and comic book styles.

Prompt Library offers a diverse range of prompts, making it a valuable resource for artists using Midjourney to generate creative and unique images.