Alpha by Public

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What is Alpha by Public?

Unlock the potential of GPT-4 powered AI with Alpha from Public Holdings, offering real-time fundamental data, analysis, and personalized insights into stocks, ETFs, crypto, and more.


  • Ask Any Investment Question: Engage with Alpha in a natural language conversation to get detailed information on any stock or asset in real time, without the complexity.
  • Real-Time Market Screening: Instantly identify market trends by screening for daily movers, gainers, losers, and access updated lists of most widely held stocks.
  • Earnings Call Summaries: Get conclusive summaries of earnings calls and financial events soon after they're announced, enabling quicker reaction to market changes.

Use Cases:

  • Informed Investment Decisions: Investors can benefit from insights and analysis to support their decision-making process, without solely relying on Alpha.
  • Historical Data Analysis: Explore and compare historical financial data and earnings, allowing for deeper investment insights and performance evaluation.
  • Personal Portfolio Reviews: In future updates, Alpha will offer personalized investment analyses relevant to individual portfolios and goals.

While Alpha embodies a groundbreaking tool facilitating investment research through conversational AI, it's crucial for users to independently verify data and not use it as the sole basis for investment decisions.