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What is

Read Less, the AI-powered news aggregator, aims to cut the noise in the news world and offer a platform with less bias and clickbait while preserving essential facts. With a built-in reader, and text-to-speech feature, it ensures a distraction-free reading experience. Select news from your preferred categories and publishers, at your convenience, without any compulsion to create an account.


  • AI-Powered Aggregator: Uses large language models to eliminate bias and clickbait in news, ensuring you get the most crucial facts.
  • Bullet Form Reading: Helps you decide if you want to read the full article by providing bullets.
  • Built-in reader: Offers an immersive and distraction-free reading experience by removing ads.
  • Text-to-Speech: Advanced text-to-speech facility in over 30 languages allows you to listen to news on the go.
  • Top Coverage: Pulls from over 80+ publishers so you always get the top coverage.
  • Customizable Feed: Allows customization of news feed according to your preferences, without the need to create an account.

Use Cases:

  • Bias-Friendly Reading: Best for readers who wish to read news without adulteration or distractions.
  • Extensive News Coverage: Ideal for individuals who want to get top coverage from over 80 publishers.
  • Personalized Feed: Perfect for those who need a highly customizable news feed based on their tastes.
  • Multi-lingual Support: Appropriate for people who would like to read news or hear news in their preferred language.

Read Less delivers an unparalleled reading experience with its novel features and extensive coverage. Its user-friendly interface and AI-driven approach make it a reliable and efficient news aggregator.