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What is Reel? is an AI-powered Chrome extension designed to speed up LinkedIn networking. It offers tailored, personalized outreach messages that lead to more interviews and less rejections, helping job seekers land their dream jobs faster and easier.


  • AI-Powered Messaging: Utilize AI for personalized connection messages, boosts your outreach and helps you make the right introductions and referrals.
  • Time-Saving Networking: reduces the networking effort, potentially saving up to 90% of time spent on networking.
  • Customized Outreach: enables sending personalized outreach messages designed for both sender and recipient, enhancing your chances for success.

Use Cases:

  • For Job Seekers: Whether you're a fresh grad or a professional, can give you the edge in your job hunt. By making targeted networking easy, it increases your chances of getting hired.
  • For Networking-Intensive Roles: Perfect for roles like Venture Capital Scouts, that need to constantly expand their professional network. optimizes the process, making it faster and more effective. is a game-changer for job seekers and professionals looking to network more effectively. Its AI-powered technology makes LinkedIn outreach simpler, faster, and more productive, allowing you to focus more on nailing those interviews and less on crafting the perfect connection message.